Teachers Martha Dominguez and Mamata Das | ECEAP Class 126
Spring 2021 Vol. 26 | Week of 5.31 – 6.04. 2021
Tips & Resources
1. 10 Razones para Ponerse en Movimiento Hoy Mismo
2. Family Style Dining
3. 5 Delicious Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day Indoors – Tasty Recipes
4. COVID-19 Information and Resources
5. Riding a Bike Improves Social Skills
6. Birth to Three Developmental Center
7. Virtual Tutoring for Adults | Tutoriales Virtuales para Adultos | Elija Espanol
Language / Literacy
60 minutes
Book: The Five Senses
Some ideas to play using your five senses are:
- Trace child’s body, and have child label the 5 senses | Trazar el cuerpo del nino y que el etiquete a donde se encuentren los 5 sentidos. Vista, Oido, Tacto, Gusto, y Olfato.
- Use magnetic letters and print on playdough | Usar lettras con iman para ser imprenta en plastilina.
- Fishing letters of name with a piece of yarn, and a paper clip at the end | Pescando letras del nombre; con un pedazo de estambre y un clip de papel en la punta.
- Blindfold child’s eyes, family member will make the letter sounds and child will guess the letter. | Vendar los ojos del nino, y que un familiar haga los sonidos de las letras, para que el nino adivine cual letra es.
Art / Writing
60 minutes
Graphics Practice: Private Speech
F Down, across, across / f Curve, down, across
Letter F Song: https://video.link/w/w3xyc
Game Syllables https://www.education.com/game/syllables-quiz/
Math / Science
60 minutes
Book: “One Frog with Five Flies” https://video.link/w/YBxyc
Song: Five Green and Speckled Frogs https://video.link/w/dFxyc
Recipe: “Frogs on a Log” Ranas en un Tronco
Need: Butter knife, cutting board, green grapes, cream cheese, or peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts), celery sticks without ends, washed and dry.
Necesita: Un cuchillo para la mantequilla, uvas verdes queso crema o crema de cacahuate ( si no es alergico), palitos de apio sin las puntas, lavado y secos.
- Cut the green grapes in half | Corte las uvas a la mitad
- Smear the cream cheese or peanut butter on celery sticks | Unte el queso crema or de cacahuate en el apio.
- Put the grapes inside down, to make frog’s bump visible | Ponga las uvas con la parte de adentro contra la crema para que la uva simule la espalda de la rana.
- Add small chocolate chips to make the speckles and the frog’s eyes | Agregue chispas de chocolate para hacer las manchas y los ojos de la rana.
Problem Solving
60 minutes
Teacher Martha Reads:
Please, Baby, Please
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/555316120
After reading the book, you may want ask your child with open-ended questions about the different behaviors in the story. What do you think you would if you were the parent? Why?
Note: The word NO is already negative; how can we change or switch it to a positive word? Focus on the things we can do!
Bath Paint Vimeo https://vimeo.com/545564353